Sunday, September 6, 2020

Swift adventures: CocoaLumberjack logger

I haven't had much contact with Swift other than writing a few unit tests on a project. So when someone asked about sending CocoaLumberjack logs to Sentry on the forum I thought it was a good excuse to write some Swift on the weekend.

To create an integration between two libraries written in Objective-C, to make sure you can support the most number of apps and platforms, the choice for a language is obvious: Objective-C.

The best thing about such a hobby project is:

Making sure you can support old code bases, where the developers have not invested in keeping things up-to-date doesn't not become a priority to you.


With that in mind, I went ahead with the latest stable Swift version: 5.2.


At the start I learned that I actually don't need xcode at all. So as part of my experiment, I decided to go without any of those xcworkspace, pbxproj, xcscheme etc, and use only Visual Studio Code.

And the Swift CLI:


swift build


swift run


With the right Visual Studio tasks and launch configuration I was even able to step through the code with the debugger. Generally really nice.

In the process I also learned about the Swift Package Index which builds your project with different Swift versions and targets and creates a badge describing the compatibility.


On top of all the fun learning a new language and ecosystem, I got a good reminder that dogfooding is an incredible tool. Specially when you're building APIs and SDKs. I would even say that it makes sense to have a project at work that the team could work together a few hours a week to get a good verification of the experience of using what you're building.

The code is here if you're interested:

The low res gif I recorded:

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